Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Pinterest - Officially addicted

Thanks Nellie. I'm now officially addicted to Pinterest. If you haven't discovered it or been 'invited' to be a part of Pinterest, you should!!!!

It's an amazing resource for ideas and inspirations.

I have a board of Unicorns, Crows, and my own art.

It's a time sucker, so if you don't have the time, don't be tempted....it's pretty cool though. Here are some images from Pinterest.......


  1. pinterest = my new form of procrastination. i'll randomly decide to go on and next thing i know its been an hour. i still love it though.

  2. I still need to look at pinterest! It looks soooo cool! And did you now really like crows? Good to know! Is it like tumbler I need to check it out!!!!

  3. Wow this looks like a really neat site. I'll have to look at it more when I have time. Some of those photographs are amazing.

  4. hehehe told you you would love it! get the iPhone app so you can pin on the go/pass time while you're waiting in extremely slow checkout lines like Michaels craft store. They are like snails.
