Sunday, September 25, 2011

AP 2-D photographers September-October

Those of you, and you know who you are, who are planning on creating a 2-D photography concentration for the months of September-October your area of unique focus is learning Adobe Photoshop. I will give a few demos on Monday and Wednesday to get you started.

I would like you to explore the Internet looking for techniques, tutorials, examples and ideas. Remember in the agreement I gave you, making a choice to create a photography concentration portfolio requires that you are self motivated. What can you discover about Adobe Photoshop? What can you teach your fellow photographers? What can you learn and apply to your images?

Here is a page I Googled with 41 tutorials on super cool Adobe Photoshop tricks.

Time to get started

I was very encouraged on Friday after talking to all of you. Most, if not all of you had a general idea of what you want to pursue for your concentration. Now it's time to get started. You need to purchase or find something to paint/draw/collage/sew onto. It's called a substrate. We are fortunate to have many art supply stores near us. Get this done so that you are not wasting precious class time. It's time to get started!!!!

Aaron Brothers If you google Aaron Brothers there are coupons online, one is for 50% off one item. Good deal.

Art Media Art Media gives a 20% discount for students, all the time, on all items. Just show your student I.D. Great selection! Locally owned.

I've Been Framed: 4950 SE Foster Rd Portland, OR 97206 This store doesn't have a website but I put the address here. I realize it's farther away than the other stores BUT... if you have a sense of adventure and not a ton of money to spend this is the place to go. They have ridiculously cheap prices on items. It's like the Nordstrom rack of art supplies. Great stuff, bargain prices.

Utrecht Art Supply Just like Art Media but NOT locally owned.

Muse Art and Design Cool hipster place on Hawthorne.

Michaels Not my favorite place to go, but again if you type into Google Michaels coupons there is always a 40% off coupon for one item.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Photography Club

Have you heard of the Photography Club? Vivian Chen and Celeste Nahas have started a club for the avid or not so avid photographers of Lakeridge High School. Go to Facebook and like the LHS Photography Club to become a part of the action.

It's fun!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Yummy, Yummy, Yummy

I hope that you are all enjoying your little homework assignment this weekend. I have been stalking around looking at artists as well trying to find judges for the Scholastic Art Awards this year. I came across this artist....Palmarin Merges. Yummy doesn't even begin to express how much I LOVE her work. It delicious. If you go and look at her work, pay attention to the media she uses. So great.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Lakeridge Alum

Check it out. Lakeridge Alumni Kelton Woodburn has his own website. After graduation Kelton started attending Brooks Institute of Photography. Brooks is in Santa Barbara, CA. Check out his photography and tell me what you think.

Here's another Lakeridge Alumni, Jackson Voelkel who also has his own website of his amazing photography!

Both of these guys did their AP portfolio in photography and received 5's!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

First Day, Never Fails to impress

Very often I get in discussions with other adults who are mystified that I can spend day in and day out with teenagers. They say, "Aren't they weird. Don't they make you crazy? or You poor thing, I could never do that." I always respond with, "I'm the luckiest person. I'm fortunate that I get to spend my time with intelligent, funny, dedicated, spunky, thoughtful teenagers."

I remember at the end of last year when I was coming up with the summer project for the new AP 2-D students (that's you!), and I decided that you would take 1000 pictures. I worried about that number. Was it too many? Would you guys freak out? Would you be able to actually take that many pictures? Was I pushing you too hard? I should have known better than to worry. Lakeridge students NEVER cease to amaze me. I mean it. Where else could you raise the bar and have ALL your students rise to the occasion.

I was in art teacher heaven on Wednesday! Surrounded by students who care, who love learning and don't mind when their crazy art teacher pushes them a little bit. I think you all secretly like it. Alright, don't let this McBride love fest go to your head! Be good and work hard. Your off to a great start.