Sunday, January 29, 2012

Clean Slate

Second semester is here, which means a clean slate, a new beginning. For many of you new classes are on the horizon. It's always fun to start again, change is good.

Check out these really cool leaf cut outs. Amazing. Maybe this new semester can encourage you to look at an alternative surface to create on? Leaf cut outs anyone?


  1. THESE ARE SOOO COOL!!! I am jealous I didn't think of those... And the water color and the light stencils and the horse/man statue..... all so cool jeez. I think I looked at more than I needed to haha and yes its so nice too have a new semester.. except I don't want to graduate!!! :(

  2. These are soo cool and it looks really hard. It would be fun to try something new like this.

  3. WOW! I'm all about trying new things. These are very cool! I feel like it would take a lot of time and patience for these

  4. Im so ready for this new start and a clean slate! loved the leaf cutouts! so cool! ....looks like it takes a lot of time and patients..yikes!! appreciation!!

  5. These are gorgeous! It would be fun to try and do one of these for a concentration piece.

  6. Wow!! There's so much detail in those leaves! It must have taken a lot of focus and a lot of time.

  7. woahh!! i like the air plane one! that is so incredible! i have no clue how someone has the patience to do that but thats really cool!

  8. it kind of reminds me of pumpkin carving stuff. very cool.

  9. Looks pretty hard! I like how they used maps as their media too.

  10. wow i scrolled down and the sculpture and light stencils at the end were incredible...i love the idea of doing a 2D application on a 3D surface, or (like the light stencils)dong a 3D view of a 2D thing...the felt anatomy was super cool aaaand also the watercolor at the end looked like the same artist that did the other watercolor good!!!

  11. This is such a cool sight! I need to spend a lot more time looking at it when I get the chance!

  12. awesome leaf cut-outs! also, I really liked the ink blot man nearer the end...I was going to say that he looked like some hostile being existing partly in another dimension, but now that I look at it again I'd say it reminded me more of Voldemort...not joking, it does.

  13. this is Lizzie in case it doesn't show up! the light stencils are amazing; this sight is really cool and it probably has tons of good ideas for working with new/different mediums

  14. Those are all so cool! I loved all of the birds, and the things out of leaves, they are so exact and perfect! But I am glad to have a clean slate this semester, but I am so sad to graduate and leave Lakeridge!

  15. whoa... those are really detailed! I would be so afraid to rip the leaf. I can't wait the new semester cause I have two art classes right next to each other :D
