Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Alexa Meade - Cheating or Creative Genius - you decide

This just in from a former student via Facebook. I'm going to let you take a look and tell me what you think. Is she a cheater or creative genius?


  1. creative GENIUS!
    this looks crazy cool when it is finished!
    I want to be a subject she paints on :)

  2. this is awesome! definitely, creative genius :D

  3. Definately genius. I never thought about painting people

  4. At first I was wondering what the heck is so genius? it's 2D art with a 3D person photoshopped in! i looked at her other pictures though and now that I get what she is doing I'm blown away! It might sound like cheating but she's the first one who's done it that I know of so I'm calling it genius <3

  5. This is so crazy! I've never seen anything like this before. Definitely a genius.

  6. i found this artist on stumble upon one time and i thought it was really cool. At first i didnt know it was people i just thought it was a really good painting but then their was a photo of her painting the people and i think its awesome. Shes a creative genius for sure.

  7. This is definitely creative genius-not cheating! I have never seen anything like this before but I think it's really cool, especially the "Transit" ones because the subject is in a public place and it looks as if he is just painted into an everyday scene. It's also really well done; the real-life shadows aren't even visible or anything

  8. What a cheat! JK, this is definitely creative genius, interesting to look at one real person and one painted person side by side.

  9. Woah this is so cool! Genius fasho. love all the blues used on that guy.

  10. Julia -
    It is very original so she is a genius!!

  11. Genius! i cant tell how they did it!

  12. its like those guys on the street painted silver pretending to be statues. are they artists? i think yes.. so definitely creative genius
