Saturday, October 1, 2011

Pattie Lee Becker

I'm always on the look out for interesting artists. This work reminds me of the idea that Stacey has for her concentration. It's good to spend some time on the Internet looking around, see what's out there. Inspiration comes from many places. Just because you have your idea doesn't mean you should stop looking for ways to be inspired. Try it you might like it. I dare you...try it.


  1. These are beautiful! The colors are lovely.

  2. The color and use of white space makes her art look even more dramatic. I like her designs very much! They use minimalism frequently but they make me want to look at them more. And I'm also impressed that she mostly uses pen, colored pencil and marker!!:)

  3. i really love the art she makes! I want to do a portrait in colored pencil for one of my pieces

  4. This is amelia garone and i really like these! it draws your eye in so many places and i like how the colors aren't bright but instead more muted

  5. i just found this on stumble upon and thought it was cool

  6. I feel like her work is a good reminder to have's so easy to get super serious, but her art is meaningful and playful!

  7. WHOA Katie those are craaaazy... I've never seen optical illusions to that scale before in person, and I really want to! Even in the picture, it's hard to make your mind decide what's real and what's painted...
    It reminds me of sidewalk chalk art, where artists draw holes or crazy things you can only see from one angle...nice find!

  8. woah! the one with the lines looks like shoelaces. it has great color and line. like it a lot

  9. ok so the squiggly lines one is making me dizzy just looking at it... does anyone else get that or am I just crazy?? I literally can't focus on it for more than 2 seconds.

  10. I really like the colors and detail in this art! But Kelly, I agree, it does make me kind of dizzy.

  11. I love the colors on this! But the planning for the seems like it would be so hard!

  12. I wish I could make art like this! I love the line and color. SO nice.
