Wednesday, October 12, 2011

It's worth watching

How do people do stuff like this? Does anyone know how?

500 years of Women in Art


  1. Wow! I would say a program did the merging of the photos cause merging them slowly for each frame using photoshop or something similar seems that it would take just too much work

  2. woahh! They are all so different, but then they all form together...thats crazy! It seems like it would take so much time to create that

  3. woahhh! cool video! Power to the women ;) haha
    not only was the video cool, but the art too. fun to watch how art has evolved over the years

  4. Awesome! It's cool how you can see some similarities between the different eras.

  5. cool! really interesting how they transitioned between the images, and how the art evolves...

  6. I wish I knew how to do this!! The eyes of most of the women seem to be the same. They seem peaceful yet they are always following you in this weird way. This is a fun idea to show artwork that shares the same subject.

  7. ahh! that was so cool! i have no idea how that happens. its cool to watch how the painting like merges into a different painting. i liked this. all of the girls in this looked kind of the same... it was wierd. woah.

  8. that was really cool! Not going to lie I was a tiny bit bored to be honest but i think its cause the music put me to sleep a little... anyway i liked comparing the differences in the styles from the different years. if you click on the beginning and then click on the end without watching the whole thing it shows how the styles developed. this is !!AMELIA!! by the way

  9. I thought that a lot of the women in looked like the same person even though they were all different pieces of art. I have no idea how someone could have made a video like that but it is very cool.

  10. Wow! that is like scary cool, it must of taken a lot of time to be able to gather all of those paintings and then go from one to the next, incredible

  11. This is amazing! It's interesting to see how certain traits are sort of carried from each style, making certain aspects look similar, and then how those traits eventually change as well! But I think it's a little funny, or ironic, how as the art becomes more modern, the style becomes more abstract and less realistic.

  12. How do they do it? I'm guessing someone with a lot of time on their hands morphed each original piece of artwork on the computer so that it would look similar to the next piece of artwork, and then go from there. Either way, it was amazing. And in regards to what Stacey said, even though modern art is more abstract, does that mean art from previous centuries was always realistic? I'm just guessing that not all of the models of these paintings looked as good as depicted ^_^

  13. Photoshop? start with a slide show Im guessing... The best switch is at the end when it went from a regular face to and abstract face and back.

  14. Wow! This was really cool! Some of the art work looked familiar to me. I thought it was cool how they had different types of art in the slideshow. They had contour line drawings, abstract, realistic, there was also different media used through out. I feel like the slideshow would not have been as interesting without this variety.
