Thursday, September 29, 2011

Art Rant

Check it out...


  1. gah my comment wont post.
    art =? .. i agree, this guy is weird. interesting rant.

    -anna engstrom

  2. well... he was a little strange, but i liked that he had a strong opinion of his views. also when he said how he was in a museum and people were saying "i could do that.", i've heard people do that and it always really bothers me!

  3. This guy was... interesting. Hahaha. As strange as this guy was, I totally agree with his opinions on art. I believe that art does not have a definition. Art can be so many things, and two people may have two totally different opinions on what art is, it doesn't mean that it's not art. It drives me nuts when people say that a piece of artwork is dumb, or that they can replicate it, they don't have to like it, or even appreciate it, but that doesn't mean that it's any less successful or any less great.

  4. wow yeah. i like that he's so passionate. and I agree.... nearly instantaneous judgments such as "that's dumb" can get on the nerves. best to keep an open mind.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. well that was interesting.. but i have to agree with him because i think art can be anything you want it to be. i think that all art being view is 100% opinionated

  7. I agree with Roy. Art is pretty much anything, but the question is, what is good art? Sometimes it drives me crazy what some people view as good art. A man sitting in a chair I suppose is art, but I would never pay to see that exhibit.

  8. I hate him. Okay, i agree completely with what he is saying but, why did he have to do it like that? I almost makes his point less valid, from a none artist perspective, because he was stupid and didn't really have much credibility when you talk like that! But, I still agree with him! And he's probably a really nice person, he just urks me...

  9. HAHAHA!!! I like this guy hes sooo strange! :D but hes right. Art can be practically anything and you don't need talent to create art, although it probably helps.

  10. Oh art ranters.... I do agree thougg
