Thursday, September 8, 2011

First Day, Never Fails to impress

Very often I get in discussions with other adults who are mystified that I can spend day in and day out with teenagers. They say, "Aren't they weird. Don't they make you crazy? or You poor thing, I could never do that." I always respond with, "I'm the luckiest person. I'm fortunate that I get to spend my time with intelligent, funny, dedicated, spunky, thoughtful teenagers."

I remember at the end of last year when I was coming up with the summer project for the new AP 2-D students (that's you!), and I decided that you would take 1000 pictures. I worried about that number. Was it too many? Would you guys freak out? Would you be able to actually take that many pictures? Was I pushing you too hard? I should have known better than to worry. Lakeridge students NEVER cease to amaze me. I mean it. Where else could you raise the bar and have ALL your students rise to the occasion.

I was in art teacher heaven on Wednesday! Surrounded by students who care, who love learning and don't mind when their crazy art teacher pushes them a little bit. I think you all secretly like it. Alright, don't let this McBride love fest go to your head! Be good and work hard. Your off to a great start.


  1. Haha I almost didn't finish the 1000! Also for some reason this laptop isn't loading the other comments... unless there are no others!

  2. No other comments before you, so you're all good.

    But as for the 1000, a few jaws dropped when I told them the assignment and then some people asked again, just to make sure they heard right.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Heheh by the time I finished my 1000 photos I was having horrible nightmares about my computer crashing. They all went on discs the next day.

  5. It was really stressful at first, but I think I could do it again!

  6. i waited too long to start the project then got stressed out and had to take most of them in like 2 weeks

  7. I love Ms. McBride!!
    This assignment was fun! it forced me to look at things in a different perspective. I found myself looking at everything in a new way, so that i could get those cool, different pictures!

  8. I probably would have ended up taking at least 1000 pictures this summer anyway. I just enjoyed the excuse to pull my camera out more often.

  9. The summer picture project was cool, fun, and interesting. When I told people about the assignment I got reactions similar to those which Stacey got. Hahaha! This project made me realize how easy it is to take 1,000 pictures. At first the number sounded kind of scary, but once I got started, it seemed to go by pretty fast.

  10. I think that taking photos was a really good "summer project" because it wasn't insanely time consuming, but it still forced us to think in an art mindset. Mrs. McBride, I almost made a really sassy comment, but I decided to refrain myself and not be too crazy on the first blog comment. :) Lots of love and hugs! :)

  11. For me the hardest part of the summer assignment was choosing which photos to put in my top 25 and top 6...I'm not very good at deciding things

  12. I think it was sort of stressful for me because I got put in AP 2-D about 2-3 weeks before school was about to start. But I only had to take 500 pictures instead which was relieving. Overall I enjoyed that project for the summer because it wasnt difficult at all and it was relaxing and laid back

  13. Awhh Mrs. Mcbride! Don't worry it was fun and not way to much work! It made me better at photography and I thank you for that! And I can't wait to learn more about the Elements and Principles of Art from this project!!!

  14. Why hello fellow art friends! At first I thought taking 1000 pictures would be easy...then it was july and i realized i had only 200 hundred and i realized it would be harder than i thought...but it wasn't even that bad! I didn't realize how much better I got at photography this summer until i compared what i took in the beginning to the pictures I took at the end (with the exception of the last fifty that I sorta of took at the last minute). okay bye bye!
    <33333 ;D :*

  15. Well, I think the 1000 photos seemed like a big task at first but it became very enjoyable! Especially because it was fun creeping on people haha. But i would have future ap art students to this during the summer as well.

  16. I agree with everyone taking 1000 pictures seemed horrible at first but now it's really cool to look back at them and see all of the cool things I saw/did this summer! I got so used to carrying my camera around so now it's weird to be done with all of it. And I'm soooo glad that our breadth is done now..woooo! PS I have no idea how to log in on my email so I had to use my old one from I was little and I have no idea what my name will show up as but this is Lizzie!

  17. As hard as this project was time management wise (which really isn't my strong point) I enjoyed the final outcome. It was so nice to take a step back from my computer and see the 1000 pictures uploading, and then getting to go through each picture bringing back little memories of a wonderful summer. This project was difficult, but it definitely captured some great stories as cheesy as that sounds.

  18. AHH okay I have decided I am completely incapable with technology because I have tried A MILLION TIMES to submit this comment and I cant get it to work for some reason so I really hope this works, but I am starting to feel very negative about that happening ever....but on the very slim chance that it does I will rewrite the comment again. So basically, I thought this project would be easy when it was assigned, but then I procrastinated, August came around and I had 300 pictures so as you have probably assumed I got very stressed out, cracked down, and forced myself to take 700 pictures in a month. But once I got the hang of it I really started to love this project because it gave me a chance to capture so many moments from my summer that I don't want to forget and also taught me a valuable lesson in not procrastinating! Yaya go art, I hope this comment works, you are all great, see you in class tomorrow!!

  19. I think the best thing about this assignment was realizing how manageable it actually was. I definitely procrastinated but then, when I actually set an entire day aside just to take pictures, they got done really fast!

  20. I WAS going to space it out, and then i realized in the last couple weeks i still had a lot of photos to take. At the beginning of the summer i thought i would take five photos a day, or something like that.

  21. I loved taking the 1000 photos, I take close to that amount anyway so why not turn them in right ?

  22. i thought it was hard to take all 1000. especially the last 500 but it paid off

  23. it was hard to choose the top 25, and then top 6. but taking all the pictures was really fun --kind of stressful at times though

  24. Rrrr computers...
    After this project, I wish I could carry a camera around with me all the time. Or have camera contact lenses and just blink. I really liked this project because it forced me to see everything as a potential composition, even though it was a little difficult to get all 1000 just because I didn't realize I had to take three pictures just to get one good picture that wasn't blurry or awful
    -Sophia Nielson
