Thursday, March 8, 2012

Work Place

I LOVE that former students are always emailing and visiting me. Just today, Garrett Durant and Marta King, class of 2005 came to visit. They are both still active with their art making which of course makes me happy.

Lindsay Iredale, currently at MICA, is looking for an internship this summer and emailed me this nifty site she found it's called and it focuses on artists in their work place. If you take the time to look and scroll down you will see cool stuff. Artist working in their creative environment. Thanks Lindsay!

How do you work on art when you aren't in the classroom. Take a picture of your 'creative place.' What does it look like? is a documentary of Portland, Ore. creativity facilitated by local photographer, Carlie Armstrong. The aim of is to understand creative processes and the places that contain them.

We also hope to inform - by displaying the work of some of the most talented artists, musicians, designers, and craftspeople in this great city. is a completely film-based effort and all photographs are taken on a Twin Lens Reflex.

Thank you for exploring, please be sure to check out the artists we've photographed (see: links and our archive).


  1. I work in my old room (which I traded for my brother's room when he went to college) now I kinda dominate both. When he's home, I set up my easel and drop cloth in our old bike's really cold but I like it because I'm completely isolated and can play my music loud...except at night when it's dark and scary and the door doesn't lock. ahh

  2. i use my brothers old room too.. except he is gone for good living in sunny california, so its basically all mine - except for when my mom decides to use it as a storage space .__.

  3. This is Lizzie...I work all over the place! Depending on what I'm doing, I work in my room, my dad's office (in our house) or the family/bonus room. My mom only lets me paint in my dad's office but I like mixing it up especially when I am working all night (before concentration checks) and get bored sitting in the same place for like five hours straight
