Monday, December 5, 2011

Monster Child

What children’s drawings would look like if it were painted realistically?

Check out this cool idea.....

The Monster Engine is one of those projects that make me love the Internet for its ability to expose amazing creative talent to a worldwide audience. Illustrator Dave DeVries started with a simple question: What would a child’s drawing look like if it were painted realistically? In his own words:

It began at the Jersey Shore in 1998, where my niece Jessica often filled my sketchbook with doodles. While I stared at them, I wondered if color, texture and shading could be applied for a 3D effect. As a painter, I made cartoons look three dimensional every day for the likes of Marvel and DC comics, so why couldn’t I apply those same techniques to a kid’s drawing? That was it… no research, no years of toil, just the curiosity of seeing Jessica’s drawings come to life.....

Click below to see more images. Keep reading below for an update on what's going on this week...


  1. I find some of the most "outside the box" ideas come from kids, and as we get older, our creative ideas become directed. It is nice to use a kid's imagination that doesn't always make sense get some revamping while still keeping the essential ideas from the kid.

  2. That sounds like a lot of fun! I would love to do this with one of my drawings when I was younger!
    I love the idea of recycling and improving parts of art works that aren't very popular.

  3. hahaha ive seen this before. it sounds interesting but kind of difficult not gonna lie. i would be interested in trying it.

  4. I would like to do this sometime! It looks really hard but it would be fun to try and interpret a small child's mind through art.

  5. ahh! that is soo cool! i wish all my drawings from when i was kid could be done like that! that is such a creative idea! i want to do this!

  6. i would love to do this with some of the artwork i did when i was little and see the differences in artistic ability/growth in such a dramatic way. this is so funny and coooool

  7. these are awesome -- i love little kids work anyways because theyre so creative and carefree.. but this makes it more visually interesting to look at. i bet the kids whose original work that is are obsessed with the transformed version!

  8. Wow I never really thought children's drawings were so creepy until now. It makes you realize what great sources of imagination kids have. I think it's a great reminder to not hold back so much with our art and to just go with it.

  9. I ended up reading way too many of the comments and some people got really upset by it thinking the artist had insulted the children because his interpretations weren't true to what the child was unable to render from their imagination because they didn't have the fine motor skills to draw...ahh people get too worked up. Haha anyway, I love the idea of reinterpretation and I don't think it needs to be true to their idea--it's meant to be fresh and original.
